Contract Surety

Vermont Reopens Manufacturing & Construction Industries after COVID Cases Drop


The Governor of Vermont Phil Scott is allowing construction and manufacturing establishments to resume full operations on May 11, 2020. However, the Governor requires these companies to obey “stringent requirements” to safeguard employees and customers from the current pandemic.

These sites are subject to compliance with the safety and health requirements and ACCD guidance and the development of enhanced training programs. These requirements include the following:

  • Crews of no more than ten workers per location or job to carry out outdoor work and construction work in unoccupied job sites. This may be a single unit in a residential or commercial structure or sites vacated for the duration of the construction job.
  • Distribution and manufacturing operations can continue with a maximum of ten workers in any location if they are low density and ensure workers are at least six feet apart from each other at all times.
  • Supporting operations may resume with the minimum amount of workers needed to carry out curbside pick-up and delivery services and in step with the guidance launched by ACCD.

Complying with state requirements has never been easier with Colonial Surety Company. If you are a public contractor in Vermont or any other state in the country, it is crucial that you obtain performance and payment bond. Colonial Surety Company provides a direct, digital way to secure a surety line of credit. You can apply online today and we will review your submission. Once approved, you gain access to The Partnership Account® for Contractors. The benefits of joining include power of attorney and corporate seal to issue your own bids bonds, direct access to the underwriter, lines in writing with exceptions if needed, complete security, and control over your business. Apply now.