Contract Surety

Michigan Construction to Resume on May 7th


According to Governor Gretchen Whitmer, commercial and residential construction projects in Michigan will continue on May 7th. Construction will be among the very first sectors of the economy to revive as the governor slowly lifts the stay-at-home order, which will continue through May 15.

This construction work will have novel safety guidelines to protect workers, including rules like keeping employees 6 feet apart at all times when working on “low-risk” construction work.  Each jobsite is instructed to maintain physical distance and to comply with health and safety requirements.

The governor highlights the seriousness of this plan and how the guidelines must be followed. “Job sites can’t restart until their contractor can meet and maintain the safety plan’s requirements,” Inslee state. “And obviously, eventually work sites could be shut down if they’re not in compliance with these orders.”

We can help you comply with state requirements. If you are a public contractor in Michigan or anywhere else in the United States, it is very important that you obtain a performance and payment bond. Colonial Surety Company provides a direct, digital way to secure a surety line of credit. You can apply online today and we will review your submission. Once approved, you gain access to The Partnership Account® for Contractors. The benefits of joining include power of attorney and corporate seal to issue your own bids bonds, direct access to the underwriter, lines in writing with exceptions if needed, complete security, and control over your business. Apply now.