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Displaying 289 results for: The Partnership Account for Contractors
Contract Surety 09.27.2023

Bottom Line: It’s Hard Work

  Construction business owners are used to receiving advice about everything from digitizing, to getting lean, to finding and on boarding new talent, to having the best equipment, winning more jobs, meeting more deadlines, and…
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Bottom Line: It’s Hard Work
Contract Surety 09.27.2023

Up To Code? Changes Ahead

  How disaster resistant are our buildings? Not nearly enough, say experts from a diversity of agencies and fields. With climate change happening faster than updates to codes, efforts are underway to improve the standards…
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Up To Code? Changes Ahead
Contract Surety 09.22.2023

Partnering For The Win: Syracuse, New York

  Public commitments to modernize infrastructure continue across the country, and New York State is digging in: a partnership of contractors won a $385 million dollar project for construction on a portion of I-81, which…
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Partnering For The Win: Syracuse, New York
Contract Surety 09.22.2023

Let The Buyer Beware…Liens?

  Purchasing used equipment often makes sense for contractors, especially if they know and have confidence in the previous owner. However, whenever purchasing used equipment–even from a known owner, make sure any and all past…
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Let The Buyer Beware…Liens?
Contract Surety 09.06.2023

BABA? The Rules!

  Since passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021, contractors have awaited clarification on what exactly Build America, By America encompasses. After an extensive public comment period, final guidance has been issued….
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BABA? The Rules!
Contract Surety 09.06.2023

Big News for Kids and Builders: NYC

  A record-breaking $19.4 billion has been allocated for construction projects to improve New York City’s public schools. The money will fuel new construction as well as upgrades. Additionally, some of the funding will be…
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Big News for Kids and Builders: NYC
Contract Surety 08.30.2023

Miles To Go Bridges

  Despite building projects that moved 560 bridges out of the “in poor condition” category over the past year, states are having a hard time keeping up with bridges in need of attention–and leveraging the…
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Miles To Go Bridges
Contract Surety 08.30.2023

Where’s The Cash?

  Of course every contractor wants to avoid cash shortages–and the time and effort wasted while fumbling through them. Financial experts point to the importance of strong and steady daily processes that keep the cash…
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Where’s The Cash?
Contract Surety 08.22.2023

What a Relief: Digitizing?

  We all know we should stop relying on our beloved spreadsheets and the deceptive ease of firing off emails to share information and manage projects. We know cloud based operations management (aka digitizing) is…
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What a Relief: Digitizing?