Facebook vs LinkedIn?
Facebook vs LinkedIn? Although Facebook remains the most frequently used social media platform around the world, some construction business experts are encouraging contractors to pay more attention to the unique marketing potential of LinkedIn. Here…
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Operating vs Growing?
Everyone running a construction business can identify with the challenge of finding time to cultivate, estimate and bid on new work. But, without a pipeline of incoming projects, the business obviously can’t grow. Here…
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Positive Momentum
Nonresidential construction starts are paving the way forward in the construction industry. Although residential construction has been flat, infrastructure and commercial building are giving builders reason for optimism amidst the buzz about the softening…
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Publicly Funded Builds
Construction industry economists remind builders that federal funds are flowing along to state and local authorities, making publicly financed projects the place for builders to be. Read on for an overview of public funding…
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Smarter Not Harder
It’s not a secret that construction is physically taxing work. It’s also not a secret that there’s a labor shortage, or that the building industry has been notoriously slow to adapt new technologies. Now,…
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Trying Something New
Sometimes “the tried and true” approach leads to great results. Then again, some builders succeed by “tuning out the noise,” and following their instincts as they pave new paths. Interestingly, “something new” does not…
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7 Trucks—and Growing
That’s the story of one busy builder, who worked for others while getting his own business off the ground. Risk taking and hard work typically play starring roles in successful businesses. Here are insights and…
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John Deere and Caterpillar: Exciting Stuff
At the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the unveiling of shiny new machines from John Deere and Caterpillar, highlighting how both operating costs and pollution can be reduced, drew a lot…
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Economize: 6 Tips
Every business owner knows time is money—and when it comes to idling machinery, that goes double. Here are 6 tips from construction industry pros to help control the cost of fuel by reducing idle…
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