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Displaying 291 results for: probate bonds
Court Bonds 03.25.2021

Rest In Peace?

  Our affairs, it seems, have ways of going on without us when we die, frequently creating unintended churning for families and friends. Though most of us don’t have the accumulated wealth of celebrities, a…
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Rest In Peace?
Court Bonds 03.15.2021

Small Biz: Pause for Estate Planning

  Small business owners are busy people—and turning the corner on the pandemic adds to the stress and hustle. Still, don’t forget to pause and put a plan in place for your hard-earned assets.  Start…
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Small Biz: Pause for Estate Planning
Court Bonds 03.12.2021

Modern Etiquette in Estate Planning

 Our lives have become so different from those lived by our grandparents. Estate planning involves new considerations too. Family Composition and Conversation These days many families include a wide web of relations and connections: For…
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Modern Etiquette in Estate Planning
Court Bonds 03.09.2021

Paying The Bills: Administering Your Affairs

   Ever felt like your bills have a life of their own? It’s not so far-fetched a thought, since upon death, they keep coming—and need to be paid. Here are some tips for settling affairs….
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Paying The Bills: Administering Your Affairs
Court Bonds 03.09.2021

Understanding Executor De Son Tort

  Literally, these words mean: executor of one’s own wrong. In estate law, the phrase is used when someone who has not been authorized to administer an estate becomes involved in doing so. Executors: The…
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Understanding Executor De Son Tort
Court Bonds 02.24.2021

Be Prepared: How To Execute a Will

If a loved one or friend has asked you to execute their will, chances are, like most people, you’ve said yes. Now what?  Understanding the Duties of an Executor  Executing a will is a legal…
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Be Prepared: How To Execute a Will
Court Bonds 02.16.2021

Probate Court: Administering Unsettled Affairs

Usually, when someone dies, probate court is notified by a friend or family member, so that the affairs of the deceased can be settled—and assets distributed. What if no one notifies the court to initiate…
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Probate Court: Administering Unsettled Affairs
Court Bonds 11.19.2020

Understanding Probate Court and Probate Bonds

Many people have their first—and sometimes only—experience with the law in a probate court. Here is what to anticipate if you find yourself there—and in need of a probate bond as well. What Is Probate…
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Understanding Probate Court and Probate Bonds
Surety Bonds 10.18.2020

Understanding Estates and Estate Bonds: Advice for Families

Understanding Estates and Estate Bonds: Advice for Families “You can’t take it with you”—is frequently cautioned among family and friends. Yet, many of us can’t seem to bring ourselves to plan ahead for our valuables….
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Understanding Estates and Estate Bonds: Advice for Families