Estate Planning Optimized
Estate Planning Optimized We tend to equate estate planning with preparing for death and gifting assets to loved ones. In the face of both longer life spans and increased awareness (thanks COVID?) that anything can…
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Personal Representative?
When we die, someone has to bring our affairs to closure. This is true whether we have left a will, a trust, or, die without a plan. The name for this role differs depending…
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The Probate Process: An Overview
The public process of reconciling the affairs of the deceased can be confusing and filled with terminology that is not typically used on a day to day basis. Understandably, grief can interfere with navigating…
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Trusts Require Careful Decisions
Setting up a trust can be a very helpful way to put plans in place for our assets—and future care needs too. Experts remind us, however, that trusts are not a magic wand for…
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Charitable Giving: Will vs Trust?
Whether you have a little or a lot to gift to your favorite organization or cause, you can arrange to do so via either a will or a trust. Though charitable giving is possible…
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You Probably Already Started…
When you open a bank account, or participate in the company sponsored retirement plan, you most likely named a beneficiary. Good news: in essence, you’ve already begun your estate plan. Keep going with these…
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Heggstad Petitions Explained
Trusts are very useful tools in estate planning: in addition to helping us gift assets to others, they allow us to make arrangements for our own care as we age. Once a trust is…
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Make A Balance Sheet
Having details about assets—and debts—documented and handy is a great jumping off point for estate planning. With a balance sheet in hand, it’s easier to get appropriate estate planning assistance. It’s also easier to…
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Defining The Terms: Estate Planning
Among the reasons why it can feel daunting to take action and create an estate plan is the terminology. With help from experts, here are definitions of words associated with estate planning. Understanding them…
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