Gen X: Running Behind
Working, Gen X Americans, between the ages of 43 and 58, are facing big hurdles on the path to successful retirement. For Gen X, the first generation largely reliant on company sponsored retirement plans and…
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Plan Sponsor Fears: Litigation!
Retirement plan sponsors may find some consolation from knowing that they are not alone in their fears of being swept up in ERISA litigation, despite their diligence. Unfortunately, analysis finds that when fear results in…
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Retirement Readiness: Persistent Gaps
Plan sponsors will be heartened to know that not all the news is bad when it comes to retirement readiness: some studies find that retirement saving rates have been holding steady this year, with balances…
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Form 5500 Updated For 2023 Reporting
The changes on the recently released Form 5500, for use when reporting on 2023, are significant. Expert analysis concludes that successive revisions to Form 5500 are sharpening its use as a tool for oversight and…
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Predictions for Plan Sponsors: 2024
Change is in the air, and toward attracting and retaining employees, plan sponsors are busily expanding traditional company retirement plans to include financial advice, emergency savings, loan repayment and more. Read on for ideas about…
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Stricter Fiduciary Standards?
As anticipated, the Department of Labor has released its proposed new fiduciary rule, which recommends redefining when “fiduciary status” is triggered for professionals who provide financial advice related to retirement savings. Serious legal challenges are…
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Top Challenges for Business Leaders?
Challenge. Change. Conflict. Disruption. Dissatisfaction. With these words playing out in the news every day, no wonder surveys are finding business owners more worried than ever about attracting and retaining talented employees. In fact, fear…
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Outsourcing Fiduciary Responsibilities?
Wisely, given the complexities, it’s common for employers to outsource the services and administration of the company sponsored 401k. Despite these arrangements, however, it’s important for plan sponsors to understand that ERISA responsibilities–and liabilities–can never…
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AI and The Duty of Prudence?
One way plan sponsors demonstrate the duty of prudence under the the standards of ERISA law is to regularly benchmark the 401k’s service providers and fees. This can be time consuming, but artificial intelligence is…
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