Can You Avoid Probate?
Probate is a long and arduous process for an estate, so it becomes only natural to wonder if proper estate planning can help an estate fully avoid probate. It is possible, though you have to…
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The New Jersey Estate & Inheritance Taxes
For anyone who dies after January 1, 2018, their estates will not be subject to a New Jersey state estate tax. New Jersey residents, however, are still subject to the federal estate tax as well…
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The New York Estate Tax
For anyone who dies after January 1, 2019, their estates in New York that are worth more than $5,740,000 are taxed. This differs from federal estate tax, which exempts estates worth up to $11.4 million….
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Children’s Shares of Estates in New Jersey
If someone dies in New Jersey without leaving a will behind to direct where their assets will go, New Jersey intestacy laws take over and determine which relatives will receive the estate’s assets. As a…
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Will the State Get Your Property if You Don’t Have a Will in New Jersey?
You don’t have to worry: the State of New Jersey won’t automatically get all of your estate’s property if you die without a will. The intestacy laws in New Jersey are effectively designed to get…
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A Spouse’s Share of Estates in New Jersey
When you die without a will in New Jersey and have a currently living spouse, your spouse will inherit at least the first 25% of the estate, and not less than $50,000, according to State…
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New Jersey Intestate Succession Laws
If someone dies without a will in the State of New Jersey, that person’s assets will pass according to New Jersey’s intestate succession laws. This generally only affects assets owned alone in the deceased person’s…
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Challenges to a Will: What You Need to Know
Just because someone dies with a last will and testament does not mean that it is the will that will go into effect. Wills can be challenged. But who can challenge them? And why are they…
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Estate Executors vs. Trustees
A deceased person’s estate may have an executor and a trustee, but the two of them serve different purposes even if they can often be appointed at the same time. What are the differences between the two…
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