Retirement Lingo: Scratch The Jargon
Studies find that retirement plan participants crave more clear communication. Jargon is off-putting for everyone—and especially for Generation Z and Millennials. Industry experts conclude that even small changes can increase clarity, understanding and engagement. What…
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If you are a plan sponsor, responsible—that’s you. In fact, ERISA law obligates you to be more careful with the retirement assets of your employees than you are with your own money. Irresponsibility—whether or…
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Hiring Outside Advisors Does Not Remove Plan Sponsor Fiduciary Liability
Plan sponsors have a lot of responsibility as fiduciaries when managing an employee benefit plan. They have to make sure that the plan assets are invested properly, employees are given adequate information about benefits, employees…
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DOL Releases New Fiduciary Rule
The Labor Department has revealed its long-awaited fiduciary rule, along with some novel implications for record-keepers, rollover and Pooled Employer Plans advice. Titled “Improving Investment Advice for Workers & Retirees“, the proposal offers a new…
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Plan Sponsors Specifically Threatened by Cyber Attacks
Retirement plans and, specifically, their plan sponsors are being threatened more and more by cyber attacks. Recordkeepers, custodians, and third party administrators are being attacked due to all the valuable personal data they harbor and…
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DOL Proposal Fortifies Fiduciary Role in ESG Investing
According to a new proposed rule from the Labor Department, ERISA plan fiduciaries are not allowed to invest in ESG vehicles that take on more risk and sacrifice investment returns. The rule, published Tuesday night,…
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DOL Releases RFI on PTEs Involving Pooled Employer Plans
The Department of Labor just published its Request for Information (RFI) on PEPs, or Prohibited Transactions involving Pooled Employer Plans (PEPs) under the SECURE Act as well as other multiple employer plans. Per a press…
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DOL Approves Private Equity in TDFs
The Department of Labor has given the green light to private equity investments in professionally handled funds within 401(k)s. In a detailed Information Letter, the head of Division of Fiduciary Interpretations at the Employee Benefit…
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3 Things You Need to Know About E-Delivery
With the devastating pandemic currently transpiring, it’s understandable if you have not kept up with the Labor Department’s final say on default electronic disclosure. Launched on May 21st, this rule includes new modifications in response…
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