What You Need to Know About New York Surrogate’s Court Bonds
Individuals chosen to be fiduciaries, administrators, and executors within the Empire State are typically required to post a surety bond. Surrogate’s courts require fiduciaries to obtain such a bond to safeguard the interests and affairs of the…
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Long Island Courts Begin Phased-in Opening Process
On Tuesday, May 26, courts across Long Island resumed operations for the first time since the COVID-19 shutdown. Starting on Wednesday, May 27th, counties like Dutchess, Putnam, Rockland, Orange, and Westchester enacted a gradual phased-in…
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Some California Courts Begin Reopening
Courts across California are gradually beginning to reopen as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted in certain areas throughout the state. These restrictions were set in place to slow the spread of the coronavirus and protect the…
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Delaware Courts Launch Phased Reopening
Delaware officials have crafted a phased reopening plan to resume court operations as soon as possible. Delaware Supreme Court Chief Justice Collins J. Seitz announced the plan to the public, sliced into four phases. Phase…
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Supreme Court Relaxes Rule 4-86 Guardianship of Incapacitated Adults
The Supreme Court for the State of New Jersey just announced it is temporarily modifying the process of seeking an adjustment of incapacity of an adult and appointment of a guardian of a person or…
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What is a Replevin Bond?
Imagine you recently moved out of your old apartment into a new pad. However, your former landlord decided to keep some of your personal property in return for rent not being paid. What action can…
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What is a Court Bond and How Do You Get One?
Court bonds are surety bonds required to pursue an action in a court of law. The term “court bond” is actually an umbrella term encompassing a multitude of different bonds found in the court system….
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What is the Purpose of an Appeal Bond?
When appealing a lower court’s unfavorable judgement, appeal and supersedeas bonds can seem like an onerous obstacle to hurdle. However, there are numerous reasons why these bonds exist and, in fact, are necessary. Appeal bonds…
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How to Set Up a Trust
A trust is created when the trustor, grantor, or settlor transfers property to the trustee, who will efficiently manage the property for the beneficiaries. A trust is one slice of a comprehensive estate plan, partnered…
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