Our Blog - Surety Matters

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Displaying 440 results for: Court and Fiduciary Bonds
Court Bonds 04.15.2020

Supreme Court Relaxes Rule 4-86 Guardianship of Incapacitated Adults

The Supreme Court for the State of New Jersey just announced it is temporarily modifying the process of seeking an adjustment of incapacity of an adult and appointment of a guardian of a person or…
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Supreme Court Relaxes Rule 4-86 Guardianship of Incapacitated Adults
Court Bonds 02.27.2020

What is a Replevin Bond?

Imagine you recently moved out of your old apartment into a new pad. However, your former landlord decided to keep some of your personal property in return for rent not being paid. What action can…
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What is a Replevin Bond?
Court Bonds 09.13.2019

Who Starts a Trust

A trust settlor, also known as a grantor, trustor, trust maker, or creator, is the person who creates the trust. When making a trust, they establish which property of theirs they will grant to the…
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Who Starts a Trust
Court Bonds 09.11.2019

Types of Guardianships

Guardians are appointed by courts to aid a person with their financial needs. The most common types of guardians and the ones you’ve probably heard about are guardians of minors. The minor they are aiding…
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Types of Guardianships
Court Bonds 09.10.2019

Texas Probate Surety Bonds

County courts in Texas require probate surety bonds when the court appoints someone to handle a deceased person’s estate or often when a will names someone as an estate executor. These bonds are required to…
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Texas Probate Surety Bonds
Court Bonds 09.05.2019

A Property Title Can Impact Whether It Goes Through Probate

How your property is owned can have a very large impact on whether it has to pass through probate in order for it to be passed down to your estate beneficiaries. If a property is…
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A Property Title Can Impact Whether It Goes Through Probate
Court Bonds 08.27.2019

Naming Beneficiaries on Accounts Keeps Them out of Probate

Going through probate can be a long process. But it’s not always necessary if you properly plan ahead. For example, not all bank and retirement accounts have to go through probate. If you name a…
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Naming Beneficiaries on Accounts Keeps Them out of Probate
Court Bonds 08.27.2019

Joint Tenancy Can Keep Property Out of Probate

Passing estates through the probate process can cost you and your estate a large amount in fees while causing your loved ones to have to wait until the resolution of the process to receive the…
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Joint Tenancy Can Keep Property Out of Probate
Court Bonds 08.26.2019

No Caps on Appeal Bonds Can Have Unintended Consequences

When you wish to appeal a civil judgment in New Jersey, in order to stay enforcement of that judgment, you have to post an appeal bond. But in order to post an appeal bond, your…
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No Caps on Appeal Bonds Can Have Unintended Consequences