IRS Estate Law Updates
Along with the spring showers, there’s been some uncertainty in the air about the required minimum distributions for inherited retirement benefits. Estate law practitioners explain the confusion and offer an update. The Secure Act of…
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Settling Affairs: Get A Bank Account
Typically when someone dies without a will, an administrator is appointed in probate court to settle the affairs of the deceased. When there is a will, an executor generally performs this role. In either case,…
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Probate Explained
Probate Explained Probate is not as scary as it can sometimes sound. Understanding the basics will take a weight off your shoulders if you are executing or administering a will. Even getting a probate bond…
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Court Appointed Administrators Explained
Typically when someone dies without a will, an administrator is appointed in probate court to settle the affairs of the deceased. Frequently, probate courts require the administrator to obtain a type of fidelity bond,…
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Unequal But Fair: Estate Planning
Estate planning experts are helping older adults realize unspoken hopes about the “right” distribution of assets to grown children. Sometimes this results in less equal, but ultimately more fair plans. Realistic and transparent family…
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Joint Bank Accounts Create Complications
Legal experts caution that adding a child to your bank account for efficient access to funds upon your death can create its own complications. Additionally, doing so is not nearly the same as formalizing your…
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Estate Planning For Art Collectors
The art we choose to value contributes to our stories—those we tell and those that will be told about us. Whether you have a few cherished antiques, splurged on a work of modern art that…
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Count Yourself In: Consider a Trust
While creating your estate plan, don’t forget to also arm your loved ones with information about how they can best care for you in the event you become incapacitated. Legal experts provide pointers for making…
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Keeping Up With the Times: Probate Law
Probate law governs the ultimate resolution of our affairs: wills, trusts, estates (or the lack thereof) and the associated debts, taxes and so on. How does probate law evolve to keep up with the times,…
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