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Displaying 690 results for: Colonial products
Court Bonds 09.06.2023

Conservatorship vs Overprotection?

  Conservators can be appointed to make financial decisions and safeguard assets for adults experiencing capacity declines, including changes related to aging and dementia. Professional conservators are a possibility and can be a huge relief…
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Conservatorship vs Overprotection?
ERISA 08.30.2023

Blurry on Retirement

  New data exemplifies the blurry feelings and ideas workers have about retirement, with about one third indicating that they are unlikely to ever actually retire, while about half of those in their 60s plan…
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Blurry on Retirement
ERISA 08.30.2023

New Theories of Liability

  New trends in claims against retirement plans (and their fiduciaries) include allegations of imprudence related to investment fund choices. Even as excessive fee litigation claims brought in 2022 continue to clog up courts, new…
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New Theories of Liability
ERISA 08.22.2023

ERISA: Civil Violations? 

  Yes, the Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Administration (EBSA) regularly pursues violations of ERISA, recovering funds for retirement plan participants. Civil corrections, litigation and even criminal indictments are all possibilities for plan fiduciaries under…
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ERISA: Civil Violations? 
ERISA 08.22.2023

Weeding Out Claims?

  Despite hopes that a “heightened standard” for excessive fee claims would result in plan sponsors winning more motions for the dismissal of ERISA lawsuits, the fact is: plan sponsors are losing even more motions…
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Weeding Out Claims?
Court Bonds 08.22.2023

Help for Executors: Probate Lawyers

  Serving as an executor requires a commitment of time,  ideally, beginning when a will is made and the role accepted. Preparatory conversations about intentions and pragmatics, such as account information, will be a gift…
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Help for Executors: Probate Lawyers
Court Bonds 08.22.2023

Respecting the Intentions of The Deceased

  Generally, families want to respect the intentions of the deceased, though doing so can be easier said than done, as probate of Aretha Franklin’s estate illustrates. It has been over four years since her…
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Respecting the Intentions of The Deceased
Court Bonds 08.17.2023

Checklist for Trustees

  When accepting the request of a loved one or friend to serve as a trustee, keep in mind that the role comes with official, fiduciary obligations. In other words, as a trustee you are…
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Checklist for Trustees
ERISA 08.17.2023

Keeping Assets In Plan: Rocket Science?

  Most plan sponsors want the assets of retired workers to stay in the plan, but why would workers want to keep their assets with a former employer? Experts say it’s not rocket science: just…
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Keeping Assets In Plan: Rocket Science?