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Displaying 221 results for: Breach
ERISA 01.05.2024

Moving The Needle: Auto Enrollment

  Starting early and saving consistently are the keys to building a solid nest egg for retirement. Data continues to indicate that employer sponsored plans that utilize automatic enrollment and escalation are moving the needle,…
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Moving The Needle: Auto Enrollment
ERISA 01.05.2024

Failure To Obtain ERISA Bond? 

  Plan sponsor oversights add up fast, as a lawsuit brought by the Department of Labor (DOL) painfully reminds us. Allegations, specifically naming a plan sponsor, include abandonment of the plan—and failure to obtain the…
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Failure To Obtain ERISA Bond? 
ERISA 12.29.2023

DOL’s Proposed Fiduciary Rule Explained

  Public hearings and comment periods related to the Department of Labor’s proposed new fiduciary rule are currently slated to end in early January, 2024, making it important for plan sponsors to understand the basics…
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DOL’s Proposed Fiduciary Rule Explained
ERISA 12.29.2023

Understanding Peak 65

  It’s here: 2024, and the demographic milestone anticipated to have a major impact on retirement plans (and realities) for Americans. As the phrase “Peak 65” implies, the largest number of Americans ever will turn…
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Understanding Peak 65
ERISA 12.26.2023

IRS Guidance on SECURE 2.0

Given the massive scale (and page count) of SECURE 2.0, it may come as a relief to all the retirement plan sponsors scurrying toward comprehension and compliance that the IRS has begun issuing Q &A…
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IRS Guidance on SECURE 2.0
ERISA 12.22.2023

Gen X: Running Behind

Working, Gen X Americans, between the ages of 43 and 58, are facing big hurdles on the path to successful retirement. For Gen X, the first generation largely reliant on company sponsored retirement plans and…
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Gen X: Running Behind
ERISA 12.14.2023

Plan Sponsor Fears: Litigation!

Retirement plan sponsors may find some consolation from knowing that they are not alone in their fears of being swept up in ERISA litigation, despite their diligence. Unfortunately, analysis finds that when fear results in…
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Plan Sponsor Fears: Litigation!
ERISA 12.14.2023

Retirement Readiness: Persistent Gaps

Plan sponsors will be heartened to know that not all the news is bad when it comes to retirement readiness: some studies find that retirement saving rates have been holding steady this year, with balances…
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Retirement Readiness: Persistent Gaps
ERISA 12.05.2023

Form 5500 Updated For 2023 Reporting

The changes on the recently released Form 5500, for use when reporting on 2023, are significant. Expert analysis concludes that successive revisions to Form 5500 are sharpening its use as a tool for oversight and…
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Form 5500 Updated For 2023 Reporting