The Need for Fiduciary Liability Insurance is Greater than Ever
A fiduciary’s liability is one of the most misunderstood areas of exposure for those involved with retirement plans. If your company is a small company, it is particularly important to consider the fact that as…
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In Fiduciary Breach Case, Fiduciaries Must Prove That Choices Did Not Cause Loss
The three main elements of a fiduciary breach case are: 1) a breach, 2) a loss, and 3) that the loss was caused by the breach. Unfortunately for breaching fiduciaries, they’re often the ones who…
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Can You Avoid Fiduciary Liability?
In the case of White v. Chevron (N.D. Cal 2016), the plaintiffs alleged breaches of its fiduciary duty for not choosing proper investments for plan funds, by choosing to invest in funds that performed poorly, and cost…
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Why Does Your Plan Need an ERISA Fidelity Bond?
Plans can very easily come under threat. Whether it’s from larceny, forgery, embezzlement, or misappropriation, theft, and fraud are unfortunate facts of plan administration. So how do you protect your plan against those threats of…
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