Analyzing The Balance Sheet
Businesses can have the ability to produce revenue, as shown on a P&L (profit and loss statement), but poor financial health, as reflected on the balance sheet. Because it summarizes net worth at a…
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Time for An Upgrade: Headgear
The hard hat worn by construction workers has been a tradition for over 100 years, and came into use to provide protection from falling objects. These days, data points to the need for a…
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Trim Your Tax Bill: Claim Your Innovations
You may already have qualified for a federal research and development (R&D) tax credit in the eyes of the IRS, but do not know it, since this tends to be an underutilized and misunderstood opportunity…
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Worth Doing: Job Costing
Turning a profit? Great! But, digging into the details of where you actually made and lost money can result in even more success. Insights about which types of projects are your real sweet spot,…
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Stronger Than Concrete: Building With Legos?
With the speedy completion of an apartment complex in Florida, builders have proof: Renco bricks, which are quite lego-like in appearance, and an alternative to concrete, have passed more than 400 performance tests. Communities…
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New Hires? Training Tips
Lucky the owner behind a growing construction business that is not having trouble training and retaining a solid team of employees. Retirement of baby boomers, the tight labor market, and a plethora of civic…
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What’s Old Is New: Innovation
What’s Old Is New: Innovation Although synthetic macrofibers have been available as alternatives to steel for several decades, the risks associated with innovating have kept builders away. However, the completion of several major projects in…
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Arbitration vs Litigation?
In construction, successfully fulfilling all contractual obligations is often way easier said than done. Before disputes over errors and omissions turn into costly and time consuming court battles, try arbitration. In addition to saving…
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Supply Chains: Adapting To New Realities
Supply chains might be improving, but the bigger reason stressing over material procurement has eased is likely that builders have gotten a whole lot better at “bobbing and weaving.” Creativity and collaboration are new…
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