17 results for: manhattan

Stadium Construction?

...builders in the U.S., said Greg McClure, senior vice president at Manhattan Construction Company….Still, while the high stakes and public nature of the projects can be a challenge, it’s also incredibly...

Co-ops, Trusts and Special Needs?

...equity,” said Mindy Stern, a partner in the Manhattan law firm SSRG…. “ Just because the will says ‘ I ’ m leaving it to my kids, ’ that doesn...

Executing an Estate: What’s Prudent?

...the Manhattan office of the law firm Seyfarth Shaw. If the estate has, say, a valuable 19th-century armoire and you sell it at a yard sale, your siblings could hold you...

George Washington Bridge: Progress!

...including the widening and enhancement of the shared-use path for bicyclists and pedestrians on the north side of the bridge…. Rehabilitation work on the Trans-Manhattan Expressway, as well as upgrades...

Public Works: Airports

...concourses and 164,000 square feet of remodeled space with new concession areas and a business lounge.Construction started in 2021 and is scheduled to wrap in late 2024. Tulsa, Oklahoma-based Manhattan...

Lift Off: Elevating Public Spaces

...of Lower Manhattan. Now, the state is envisioning a $60 million dollar public and private funding commitment to extend the High Line—linking it to an important and massive infrastructure effort. ...

New Jersey-New York: Uh-Oh?

...at the Manhattan event, noting the urgency of steps being taken to ensure “we are building in a resilient manner … if we are to avoid more catastrophic impacts.” Noting...

Scheduled For Completion? Beep Beep!

...at Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan.   Ambitious builders across the country are getting in on the action with The Partnership Account for Contractors® from Colonial Surety. As a direct...