Contract Surety

Retaining Workers



Sustaining the success of a construction business, despite the competition for skilled workers, means doubling down on efforts to keep your hard-won talent working for you. Frequent turnover is disruptive and expensive, making strategic effort toward retention well worth it.


The Employer’s Job?

As important as it is to have a robust, well thought out and consistently implemented hiring process, so too is adopting a best in class approach to ensuring employees want to continue working for you. Indeed, now more than ever, retaining skilled workers is a “cornerstone” of running a successful business:


The demand for skilled workers in construction has reached an all-time high, giving today’s workforce newfound leverage. Workers now understand the power of saying “no” to unfavorable work environments….It’s now the job of employers to make their companies worth saying “yes” to. While money is an important part of the equation, other less tangible factors are at play. To attract high-value workers in today’s job market, it’s no longer sufficient to offer competitive wages alone. Construction companies must craft environments where employees feel valued, respected, and empowered.But it doesn’t end there. A culture of respect and empowerment will help get discerning applicants through the doors of your company. For them to stay and invest in the company long-term, they need a clear vision of what their career could look like.


Having a plan for growth is no longer just about business growth: it’s about offering each worker an opportunity for growth along the way. Consider for example these findings from a recent BuildWitt poll conducted with followers on social media:


Construction workers aged 20 to 35 revealed that nearly 50% had changed jobs in the past two years. The reasons behind these job changes are as diverse as the industry itself:


  •     Sought better pay
  •     Entered new phases of life, requiring more time at home
  •     Sought a company invested in employee growth and training
  •     Fled bad leadership or simply felt undervalued


While it is true that supporting the development and career paths of employees requires time and money, don’t be too quick to underestimate the potential return on investment. Actively supporting the learning and growth of employees can turn out to be more beneficial than many employers believe: a poll with 600 Dirt World workers found:


 “More training and learning opportunities” ranked second on a list of factors that would most increase job satisfaction, higher than schedule flexibility, more PTO, and a shorter commute. The same poll showed a staggering 46% of respondents claiming they receive training once per year or less at their current job. This lack of training across our industry raises a significant concern as it directly impacts job satisfaction and employee retention. It also highlights a golden opportunity for employers to step up their training game….Consider this: companies that prioritize employee development and offer a structured path for growth often outperform their competitors. They create a workplace where individuals are encouraged and incentivized to reach their full potential—meaning better overall performance.


Keep in mind that opportunities for growth and development are not just for employees who achieve milestones years into the job. Implementing a solid onboarding process is an important way to demonstrate commitment: “Employees who had effective onboarding feel up to 18x more commitment to their workplace, compared to employees who feel their onboarding was less effective.This heightened commitment translates into all kinds of benefits for employers, including longer employee tenures….”

One specific technique that can be powerful during onboarding and beyond is assigning a mentor for new hires. In addition to giving a long-time employee a vested interest in the success of a new hire, you’ll be ensuring the new employee feels welcomed from day one. Teaming diverse workers who have different experiences, sometimes referred to as reciprocal mentoring, is another proven way to contribute to both jobsite success and worker satisfaction


Partnering For The Win

Teamwork is the secret sauce of most success stories—and Colonial Surety is here to help you succeed. Once qualified for The Partnership Account®, you’ll use our power of attorney to issue your own bid bonds, in minutes. Order performance and payment bonds with speed and ease too. Plus, you’ll run your business more efficiently and competitively than ever as you leverage your:



  • surety line of credit—in writing;
  • private digital dashboard;
  • daily snapshot of single and aggregate limits 
  • ability to update work on hand—and increase your aggregate.



Get started right now—and get your free financial scores too:


Pre-Qualify for The Partnership Account® for Contractors


Founded in 1930, Colonial Surety Company is a leading direct seller and writer of surety bonds and insurance products across the USA. Colonial is rated “A Excellent” by A.M. Best Company and U.S. Treasury listed. Let’s connect today: Colonial Surety.