Contract Surety

Preventing injuries : Ergonomics?


Ergonomics is not a trendy new thing. Back in 1894, the split-level scaffold was designed to reduce bending, and the related wear and tear on the bodies of masonry workers. Similarly, tuning in to help workers use today’s available resources and best practices can make a tremendous difference for people—and the bottom line.  

Small Actions, Repeatedly Done…

As construction company owners well know, investing in and maintaining a culture of workplace safety is never a one and done task. Appropriate gear goes a long way, and the consistent use of fall prevention strategies matters too. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reminds us of the importance of ergonomics and points out: Some of the most common injuries in construction are the result of job demands that push the human body beyond its natural limits. Workers who must often lift, stoop, kneel, twist, grip, stretch, reach overhead, or work in other awkward positions to do a job are at risk of developing a work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WMSD). These can include back problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, rotator cuff tears, sprains, and strains.” This practical booklet on ergonomics from NIOSH “suggests many simple and inexpensive ways to make construction tasks easier, more comfortable, and better suited to the needs of the human body.”

Helpful and specific advice to reduce ergonomic stress in construction is also provided by many state level public agencies—here, for example is some from Michigan:

  • Use a buddy system or the proper lifting device to carry heavy loads. To the extent feasible, use your legs to push up and lift the load, not the upper body or back. Do not twist the body during a lift – step to one side or the other to turn.
  • Design work activities so employees do not have to work on their knees. If the job requires it, use knee pads. 
  • Avoid repeatedly twisting the hands and wrists. Provide proper hand tools that are designed to keep the hand and wrist in a comfortable, neutral position. 
  • Avoid stretching…to do overhead work….Adjust scaffolds to the appropriate working height and use a lifting device to hold drywall or other material in place….
  • Use vibrating tools such as a jackhammer or abrasive wheel saw that are equipped with built-in vibration dampers. Wear gloves to help absorb energy. 

While it is true that consistent attention to ergonomics on the job requires thought and effort, creating and upholding a culture of safety always pays off for individuals and businesses. Ergonomic injuries, though preventable, take a huge toll on workers, and in addition to being bad for people, injuries are clearly also bad for the long-term success of every construction company. As Pros remind us:

Injuries on job sites aren’t just a result of major accidents. Oftentimes, they’re a gradual problem caused by poor ergonomics. Common conditions like strains and sprains, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are some of the leading causes of workplace injuries. The physical demands of construction work can take a toll on the body—putting your team at risk….

As with any safety issue, preparedness is a key. Training workers to understand proper ergonomics can help reduce the risk of injuries. 

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