Our Blog - Surety Matters

Our blog covering the latest in bonds and insurance
Surety Bonds 01.18.2021

The Future of Retail Shopping

Will we ever enjoy shopping inside stores again? Experts say: yes! Here are predictions that entrepreneurs, shoppers—and anyone eager to get out and about—will appreciate.  The Experiential Trend  Good news: experts are predicting that post-pandemic,…
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The Future of Retail Shopping
Surety Bonds 01.14.2021

Up and Coming: What Are You Bidding On?

Contractors in some metro areas are seeing plenty of projects popping up—and anticipating even more. Building Demand In Miami, Buffalo and Chicago Construction Dive reports that in Miami, Buffalo and Chicago, contractors are experiencing “pockets…
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Up and Coming: What Are You Bidding On?

Guardians and Vaccine Decisions

How should court-appointed guardians handle decisions about the COVID-19 vaccine with their wards? Experts advise: apply the substituted judgment standard. Focus On The Ward’s Wishes and Values Carefully and respectfully making important decisions on behalf…
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Guardians and Vaccine Decisions
Surety Bonds 01.13.2021

Lift Off: Elevating Public Spaces

Across the country, state leaders are laying out plans and dollars for spaces that are functional and uplifting. Here is an example from New York City. More Park Space—and Infrastructure Solutions Too Since the High…
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Lift Off: Elevating Public Spaces
License & Permit Bonds 01.12.2021

Lighting It Up: Electricians In Demand

  Employment opportunities for electricians are bound for growth. Wiring is essential to homes and businesses, and with all the disruption and innovation underway, who doesn’t need an electrician? The Math Is Easy  Here’s one…
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Lighting It Up: Electricians In Demand
Court Bonds 01.12.2021

An Appeal for Clarity: Consumers Win in Appellate Court

An Appeal for Clarity: Consumers Win in Appellate Court  Is “100% Grated Parmesan Cheese” false advertising? Yes, said the Seventh Circuit Court, giving the appellants—consumers—a win.  Deciphering The Labels  What are consumers expected to reasonably…
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An Appeal for Clarity: Consumers Win in Appellate Court
Surety Bonds 01.07.2021

Building Optimism: Anticipating a Dynamic 2021

Despite—and perhaps because of—bumps in the road, the construction industry anticipates a busy and productive year ahead. Reasons For Hope Amidst Challenges Turning the corner into 2021, the challenges of the pandemic and economy continue…
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Building Optimism: Anticipating a Dynamic 2021
Surety Bonds 01.07.2021

Bound for Growth: Home Construction Businesses

With the demand for homes outpacing inventory, now’s a great time to start or expand your contracting business. Understanding the New Demand for Housing In 2020, many people discovered they didn’t need to be close…
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Bound for Growth: Home Construction Businesses
Court Bonds 01.05.2021

What If The Will’s Executor Steals from Beneficiaries?

Unfortunately, it sometimes happens. Executor bonds are an important way to protect the beneficiaries named in the will. Confronting Irregularities Ordinarily, as a will is prepared, an executor is named to administer it when the…
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What If The Will’s Executor Steals from Beneficiaries?