Our Blog - Surety Matters

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Contract Surety 07.24.2023

Normalish? Airports Are Building

  Reassurance that things are normalish post-pandemic might be found in the fact that airports around the country are ambitiously constructing expansions. True to its reputation, Texas is leading the charge with four big builds….
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Normalish? Airports Are Building
Contract Surety 07.24.2023

Building For The Cloud? Data Centers!

  It turns out that all the data in our “cloud based storage,” has to actually live in a tangible space–built by contractors, including, of course, electricians. As our technology usage in life and on…
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Building For The Cloud? Data Centers!
Court Bonds 07.10.2023

Executor? Tips for Selling A Home

  For many executors, the responsibility of selling off a family home and distributing the proceeds to the beneficiaries named in the will turns out to be the biggest and most stressful task undertaken. Estate…
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Executor? Tips for Selling A Home
Court Bonds 07.10.2023

Tips for Naming An Executor

  When a will is made, an executor is named to execute it. Typically, adult children or other close friends or relations are designated. Be sure, however, that whoever you name understands that real responsibilities…
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Tips for Naming An Executor
Contract Surety 07.10.2023

Pay Day?

  Even in a slower economy, the demand for contractors remains strong overall, especially on projects involving public funding. However, the combination of labor shortages, pay expectations and shifts in compliance and human resource practices…
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Pay Day?
Contract Surety 07.07.2023

Can You Make More Money?

    Since it’s typical for contractors to be churning along at or near capacity, the question of how to generate more profit, can indeed be perplexing. Finance experts remind us however that it is…
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Can You Make More Money?
Court Bonds 07.06.2023

Irrevocable Trust Problem? Decant!

  As the name implies, an irrevocable trust is generally difficult to modify, once created. Despite this, irrevocable trusts can be a helpful way to protect assets as well as assure eligibility for public benefits,…
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Irrevocable Trust Problem? Decant!
Court Bonds 07.06.2023

Executor, Guardian, Conservator?

  These are three different and important fiduciary roles. During estate planning, families will make the appropriate designations depending on their circumstances–and sometimes, all three might ultimately be needed. Read on to understand more about…
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Executor, Guardian, Conservator?
Contract Surety 06.29.2023

2023: So Far, So Good?

  For contractors, the answer likely lies in whether or not you are getting in on publicly funded work related to manufacturing and infrastructure. In contrast to strong gains in these sectors, work in the…
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2023: So Far, So Good?