The Importance of Communicating About Employee Benefit Plans
Employees lack trust in benefit plans. As a business owner—and plan sponsor, take action to respond to their needs. A great first step: provide more information. What Do Employees Want to Know About Benefit Plans?…
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Who Needs to Save for Retirement?
All of us! Even before the financial challenges brought on by COVID-19, retirement saving for workers in the US was insufficient—and in fact, worsening. For example, data from 2014-2017 shows that only 40% of employers…
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Identify Theft—Are Your Benefit and Retirement Plans Safe?
Identity theft has been on the rise—and that means plan sponsors have to up their cybersecurity efforts. According to AARP: Identity theft occurs when someone obtains someone else’s personal information, such as a Social Security…
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Help for Small Businesses: Employee Retirement Benefit
It’s going to be a busy fall for employee benefit administrators and retirement plan sponsors across the country, as the federal government rolls out guidance and standards related to the SECURE Act. Small business owners…
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Cyber Liability Insurance for Small Businesses
Equifax! JP Morgan Chase! Capital One! Adobe…! Large companies, including these, are responsible for the massive security breaches of the past decade—impacting the personal data of hundreds of millions of customers. These stories make the…
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Changes Impacting ERISA Are Coming
Across the country, retirement plan sponsors are in “wait and see mode” as the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) works to rapidly rolling out proposed new regulations. Many of the efforts are intended to respond…
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Hiring Outside Advisors Does Not Remove Plan Sponsor Fiduciary Liability
Plan sponsors have a lot of responsibility as fiduciaries when managing an employee benefit plan. They have to make sure that the plan assets are invested properly, employees are given adequate information about benefits, employees…
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What are Common Cyber-Threats?
A cyber-attack is a digital assault by cyber-criminals using a technical device to sneak through private records on a single computer, multiple computers, or computer networks. Cyber-attacks can swiftly disable computers, swipe essential data, or hijack a…
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Stressed? How COVID-19 is Causing More Stress than Ever for Risk Managers
Stressed? Although many businesses are succeeding with work from home strategies to survive the COVID-19 crisis, their risk managers are experiencing more stress than before. Based on a study in July 2020, The Global Association…
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