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Cyber for Plan Sponsors 12.19.2020

Cyber Threats: Identify Your Incident Response Team

Retirement plans contain sensitive—and valuable information. In addition to securing it, you must be ready to respond to breaches. Who are the experts on your team? What’s On Your Company’s Inventory of Sensitive Data? When…
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Cyber Threats: Identify Your Incident Response Team
ERISA 12.19.2020

Secure Everything: The Need for Cyber Vigilance Is Here To Stay

Cyber attacks are increasing. Experts recommend preparing for this new normal in planning for 2021 and beyond. Don’t forget your retirement plan! The New Normal: Increased Cyber Security Check Point recently surveyed over 600 information…
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Secure Everything: The Need for Cyber Vigilance Is Here To Stay
ERISA 12.10.2020

Millennials and Retirement Savings: The Importance of the 401(k)

 As the oldest members of the Millennial generation are headed into their forties, encourage increased saving efforts via 401(k) plans. Unprecedented Challenges—and Possibilities Too Millenials have been the largest generation in the US labor force…
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Millennials and Retirement Savings: The Importance of the 401(k)
Cyber for Plan Sponsors 12.10.2020

Is Your Retirement Plan Ready for a Data Breach?

Increasingly, business strategies are expanding from cybersecurity basics to the broader approach of cyber resilience. This is important for retirement plans too! Preventing Threats—and Enabling Business Continuity Too No matter how good the cybersecurity controls…
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Is Your Retirement Plan Ready for a Data Breach?
ERISA 12.09.2020

Protecting Your Plan’s Most Vulnerable Participants

Older workers and retired plan beneficiaries will appreciate stepped up communications related to safely accessing their retirement accounts in this digital era.  Identity Fraud: $17 Billion  Increasingly, identity theft—and fraud are impacting more and more…
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Protecting Your Plan’s Most Vulnerable Participants
ERISA 12.04.2020

Yes, Employees Are Still Saving for Retirement!

Despite the upheavals of 2020, a third quarter analysis by Fidelity Investments indicates that employees continue striving to save via employer-sponsored plans. Retirement Saving Trends: Holding Steady Fidelity’s Building Financial Futures report on retirement saving…
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Yes, Employees Are Still Saving for Retirement!
ERISA 12.04.2020

Lawsuits Against Plan Sponsors: They Really Do Happen!

Lawsuits filed against retirement plan sponsors are on the rise—and tend to linger. Draw insights from them to help you protect yourself, your company, and your plan. A Lingering Case Against a Plan Sponsor Recently,…
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Lawsuits Against Plan Sponsors: They Really Do Happen!
ERISA 11.30.2020

Busy Times Ahead for Plan Sponsors

Plan sponsors can anticipate lots of action on new regulations to spur employee retirement savings in 2021. Across the country, there is unity around this priority. Widespread Agreement: Encourage Employee Saving Although not quite making…
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Busy Times Ahead for Plan Sponsors
Cyber for Plan Sponsors 11.23.2020

The Cost of Cybercrime

$6 trillion dollars! That’s how much money experts estimate cybercrime will cost the global economy in 2021! Get prepared. Secure practical solutions and support now. A Ubiquitous Problem The more we all work, relate and…
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The Cost of Cybercrime