Long Island Courts Begin Phased-in Opening Process
On Tuesday, May 26, courts across Long Island resumed operations for the first time since the COVID-19 shutdown. Starting on Wednesday, May 27th, counties like Dutchess, Putnam, Rockland, Orange, and Westchester enacted a gradual phased-in…
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3 Highly-Effective Estate Planning Strategies
Adversity, particularly during a pandemic, is unfortunately commonplace in life. Hence, taking care of your family in the unfortunate event something unexpected happens to you must be translated in a carefully, well-laid out strategy. To…
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COVID-19 Places Significant Importance on Estate Planning
As the coronavirus pandemic reshapes our world, we have to correctly prepare for the future and its uncertainty. This includes placing estate planning at the top of your priority list. In the midst of this…
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Some California Courts Begin Reopening
Courts across California are gradually beginning to reopen as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted in certain areas throughout the state. These restrictions were set in place to slow the spread of the coronavirus and protect the…
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Delaware Courts Launch Phased Reopening
Delaware officials have crafted a phased reopening plan to resume court operations as soon as possible. Delaware Supreme Court Chief Justice Collins J. Seitz announced the plan to the public, sliced into four phases. Phase…
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Maryland Judiciary Releases Steps to Soon Reopen Courts
Starting October of this year, courtrooms in the state of Maryland are hoping to fully continue lingering legal operations in a phased-in strategy that could take the entire summer. Though many court proceedings have been…
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Courts Soon to Reopen from COVID-19 Restrictions
Courtrooms across the country are inching closer and closer towards opening their doors as coronavirus restrictions begin to be lifted. Places like Southern California, whose courthouse maneuvers have been paused to slow the spread of…
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Supreme Court Relaxes Rule 4-86 Guardianship of Incapacitated Adults
The Supreme Court for the State of New Jersey just announced it is temporarily modifying the process of seeking an adjustment of incapacity of an adult and appointment of a guardian of a person or…
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What is a Replevin Bond?
Imagine you recently moved out of your old apartment into a new pad. However, your former landlord decided to keep some of your personal property in return for rent not being paid. What action can…
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