Pet Trust?
Sure, go for it. Establishing a pet trust ensures that your pet is cared for when you are no longer able to do so. Although informal arrangements with friends or family members are well-intended,…
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Motor Vehicle Dealer Bond?
When you are destined to sell cars, the road ahead requires surety bonds that meet the specifications of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in the state you’re operating in. Business experts say It…
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Estate Planning: Power of Appointment?
Even diligent estate planning efforts cannot possibly cover every potential circumstance that could challenge our loved ones down the road. A child could suffer an accident, a lawsuit could threaten savings, a hurricane could…
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Probate Law: Specialty Courts In Iowa?
Iowa is exploring the establishment of two new specialty probate courts. In anticipation of an unprecedented transfer of wealth as the population ages, some experts believe specialty courts can play a critical role in…
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Scheduled For Completion? Beep Beep!
Many transit construction projects stalled last year, due to the impact of the pandemic on both workers and materials. Now, efforts to reboot the building of dedicated busways, bus rapid transit, and rail and…
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Federal Spending? Implementation Support
How can local and state governments across the country identify and secure funding through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)? What funding is available and how can localities get the information and guidance needed…
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Cyber Threats To Small Businesses?
88% of small business owners fear cybersecurity threats to their businesses—and with good reason. The dramatic rise in cybercrime makes it hard to keep up with the various tactics in play, and small businesses…
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ERISA Advisory Council Recommendations
Gaps in retirement security persist based on gender, race and ethnicity. Accordingly, the Department of Labor’s Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans has made recommendations aimed at improving the retirement outcomes…
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Death and Passwords?
When a loved one asks you to execute their will, swallow hard, breathe deep, and then commit the time to find out everything you can about their intentions—and the whereabouts of essential documents and accounts….
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