Colorado Mortgage Loan Originator Bonds
In order to become a licensed and active mortgage loan originator in Colorado, you are required to obtain a surety bond. Mortgage loan originators in Colorado must also be registered with the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS),…
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The Fiduciary Duty to Only Pay Reasonable Fees from ERISA Plan Assets
Plan sponsors may not realize this, but one of their numerous fiduciary duties is that they have a fiduciary duty to only pay reasonable and necessary fees from plan assets. The reason for this is that while…
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Texas Retirement Plan Uses Third Party Experts to Detect Data Breach
The Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS) recently fell victim to a cyber attack resulting in a data breach and the exposure of 1.25 million retirement plan records. A flaw in its online portal was…
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60% of Hacked Small to Medium Businesses Fail Within 6 Months
Small and medium businesses often (incorrectly) think they’re too small for cyber attackers to attempt to hack. Only 31% of small businesses take active measures to protect against cyber attacks and breaches. But more than…
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The Florida Appeal Court Structure
If you have gotten an adverse judgment in one of Florida’s trial courts, you may want to have that ruling appealed in order to have that lower court decision reviewed. The Florida District Courts of Appeal…
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The New Jersey Estate & Inheritance Taxes
For anyone who dies after January 1, 2018, their estates will not be subject to a New Jersey state estate tax. New Jersey residents, however, are still subject to the federal estate tax as well…
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Technology Fills Construction Skills Gap
Contractors and construction companies have decried the lack of skilled workers available to them, even as the United States goes through a construction boom. If there are fewer skilled workers than ever before with more…
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Small Retirement Plans Seeing Increasing Fiduciary Breach Lawsuits
An excessive fee suit against a retirement plan holding $9 million in assets for 114 participants is being seen as the dawning of a new era in retirement plan fiduciary breach lawsuits. The suit, Damberg…
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Plan Fiduciaries Must Make “Prudent” Investments to Avoid Liability
Employee benefit plan fiduciaries have an obligation to make prudent investments to avoid a breach of fiduciary duty. Fiduciaries are personally liable for those damages the imprudent investments caused to plan participants. This is one of the…
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