Plan Sponsorship Is Serious Business: Take Precautions
If you are in charge of your company’s employee retirement plan, you are entrusted with safeguarding the future of your employees. Exercise every precaution to protect them, the company—and yourself. ERISA Lawsuits Are Common There…
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Plans For Family Assets: Begin The Conversation Today
More family members from across generations are living together than ever before. There has never been a better—or more important— time to involve everyone in safeguarding hard earned assets. Talk About Your Savings: Take The…
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The Appeal of Appealing
If you are involved in a civil court case—and determined to win—you’ll find it helpful to understand the appeals process. In fact, in case you lose, being prepared to secure an appeal bond will save you—and…
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Fall Hunting Season’s Approaching — Gear Up!
Fall Hunting Season’s Approaching —Gear Up! If you are a hunting enthusiast, chances are you are busily preparing—and maybe even considering how to earn some money via this hobby this year. Here are a few…
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The Importance of Communicating About Employee Benefit Plans
Employees lack trust in benefit plans. As a business owner—and plan sponsor, take action to respond to their needs. A great first step: provide more information. What Do Employees Want to Know About Benefit Plans?…
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Who Needs to Save for Retirement?
All of us! Even before the financial challenges brought on by COVID-19, retirement saving for workers in the US was insufficient—and in fact, worsening. For example, data from 2014-2017 shows that only 40% of employers…
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Identify Theft—Are Your Benefit and Retirement Plans Safe?
Identity theft has been on the rise—and that means plan sponsors have to up their cybersecurity efforts. According to AARP: Identity theft occurs when someone obtains someone else’s personal information, such as a Social Security…
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Combating Fraud In the Surety Bond Industry
Fraud happens in every kind of business—and despite regulations, the surety bond industry is no exception. Following an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the New Hampshire Insurance Department, last week a man…
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Construction Matters: Fast or Slow?
Even in routine times, the “stop-go” of construction projects is painful—especially for small business contractors. Just winning a bid is generally time-consuming—then, a host of other dynamics, from supply chain lags to delays in public…
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