Our Blog - Surety Matters

Our blog covering the latest in bonds and insurance
Surety Bonds 10.06.2020

Fishing for Business: License Sales Up

Eager for fall fishing? You are not alone! Lots of people across the country are craving a safe way to enjoy the outdoors. Why not use your love of fishing to earn money by selling…
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Fishing for Business: License Sales Up
Court Bonds 10.06.2020

Understanding the Use of Injunction Orders and Bonds

A judge can issue an injunction, to prevent a specified action—temporarily or permanently. Failure to comply can result in further legal action. The Purpose of Injunction Bonds When a court grants an injunction, an injunction…
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Understanding the Use of Injunction Orders and Bonds
Court Bonds 10.05.2020

Winning A Civil Court Case: What Happens Next?

It’s finally over! You’ve won a favorable judgment in your civil court case. Now the other side plans to appeal. Big delays loom.  How could a supersedeas bond help? Be Proactive If there is a…
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Winning A Civil Court Case: What Happens Next?
Contract Surety 10.05.2020

Construction: Succeeding Despite Timing and Compliance Issues

Amidst continued optimism in the industry, contract managers face delays, expenses and uncertainties as they manage performance in the COVID-19 world.  Funding for Infrastructure Projects Extended The passage of a federal government stopgap measure has…
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Construction: Succeeding Despite Timing and Compliance Issues
Contract Surety 10.05.2020

Construction Rebound? Ready, Set, Grow!

The latest US Commercial Construction Index shows signs of optimism. How prepared is your company for growth? Secure partners to help you respond quickly to new projects The US Chamber of Commerce Report Two of…
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Construction Rebound? Ready, Set, Grow!
ERISA 10.04.2020

Part-Time Employees Can Now Contribute to Pension Plans

It’s hard to believe but January 2021 is right around the corner! For plan sponsors, that means now is the time to make way for part-time employees to participate in 401(k) plans. Comply With the…
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Part-Time Employees Can Now Contribute to Pension Plans
ERISA 10.04.2020

Understanding Retirement Savings: Lifetime Income Illustrations

Chances are good that your company’s employees need to save more toward retirement. This is true across the country. New lifetime income disclosures mandated by the SECURE Act, aim to educate employees—and motivate them to…
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Understanding Retirement Savings: Lifetime Income Illustrations
ERISA 10.03.2020

Plan Sponsorship Is Serious Business: Take Precautions

If you are in charge of your company’s employee retirement plan, you are entrusted with safeguarding the future of your employees. Exercise every precaution to protect them, the company—and yourself. ERISA Lawsuits Are Common There…
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Plan Sponsorship Is Serious Business: Take Precautions
Court Bonds 09.27.2020

Plans For Family Assets: Begin The Conversation Today

More family members from across generations are living together than ever before. There has never been a better—or more important— time to involve everyone in safeguarding hard earned assets. Talk About Your Savings: Take The…
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Plans For Family Assets: Begin The Conversation Today