Wearable Tech?
In the scurry to better leverage technology in the construction business, don’t be too quick to rule out wearable technology. The options are growing for everything from AR Glasses and VR Headsets to Motion…
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Forfeiture Claims: Copycats?
Claims focused on “failed fiduciary process” related to the use of plan forfeitures continue to bubble up. With the lawsuits winding through federal courts, it’s too early to know if they will trigger the…
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Celebrating ERISA At 50?
When the Employee Retirement Income Security Act makes headlines, it’s usually something for plan sponsors to worry about, such as lawsuits, increased regulatory measures or cybersecurity concerns. But here’s celebratory ERISA news: the 50th…
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Beneficiary Designations: Essential Practices
The fiduciary duties of retirement plan sponsors apply to both the interests of participants and beneficiaries. Accordingly, it is essential for plan sponsors to make sure the processes for designating, reviewing and updating beneficiaries…
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Assessing New Products?
As plan sponsors across the country wander into the swirl of lifetime income options becoming available, ERISA experts remind them to stay focused on the essence of their fiduciary duties–prudence and loyalty–whenever assessing plan…
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Better Bids? Here’s How…
Winning more profitable projects requires generating more and better leads, as well as determining the right builds to go after. Of course accurate estimates based on the most up-to-date intel and strong financial resources…
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It Pays Off: Training
Despite the pressure on hiring and getting new talent going fast, it’s best not to skimp on time and effort when it comes to onboarding and training. Indeed, careful attention to new employees is…
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Digital Assets: Inventory and Plan
Dabbling in cryptocurrency more than your family knows? Tucked away emergency funds in a purely online bank? Most of us are incrementally accumulating more digital assets than we realize. Whether of actual or sentimental…
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Assets Not To Put In A Trust?
Setting up a revocable trust is relatively easy, allows for flexibility and helps with a number of estate planning goals, including by-passing the public process of probate. Nonetheless, there are several categories of assets…
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