Be Prepared: How To Execute a Will
If a loved one or friend has asked you to execute their will, chances are, like most people, you’ve said yes. Now what? Understanding the Duties of an Executor Executing a will is a legal…
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Cybersecurity: Action Steps for All of Us
Legal experts suggest specific steps we can all take to protect information and assets in our businesses. Plan sponsors will find these practical actions helpful, since plan data and assets make such juicy targets for…
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Behavioral Research for Retirement Plans To Act On
Facing the financial challenges set in motion by the pandemic has been hard on many workers and employers. In response, experts recommend strategic action to help with retirement saving. Toward Financial Security: Step By Step…
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Promising Trends In Retirement Savings
There are promising trends in fourth-quarter retirement fund reports. With efforts to save increasing, efforts to protect funds require renewed attention too. New Efforts To Save As businesses and employees across the country grind…
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Agility Helps As Builders Confront Supply Chain Woes
Nearly a year into the pandemic, supply chain woes continue to challenge the construction industry. In response, contractors are demonstrating ever more agility. Material Shortages and High Pricing In Alabama, a custom home builder reports…
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Constructing in Steel: Daytona Beach’s $70 Million Inspiration
The American Society of Civil Engineers highlights the innovative techniques and inspirations behind the new 180,000 square foot, cantilevered student union at Florida’s Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Birds In Flight—Students At The Center Designed by ikon.5…
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$877 Million for Houston Ship Channel
It’s anticipated that 12 construction contracts will be awarded for the widening of the Houston Ship Channel. Federal funding has recently been secured to set the project cruising forward. Navigating The Country’s Busiest Waterway…
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Boring Gets Exciting: Tunneling To The Future
Four miles in five minutes? It could happen—in California’s San Bernardino County. Plans and negotiations underway for an underground transit loop illustrate how a transportation revolution could be in reach. New Transit Loops In Las…
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Best Practice: Satisfied Retirement Plan Participants
Amidst the deluge of ERISA litigation hitting the news, plan sponsors are encouraged to remember: the essentials of sound retirement plan practices can reduce the risk of common exposures—and result in satisfied plan participants…
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