When you purchase a life insurance policy, you usually don’t plan on having to use it for a long time. But you have to store it somewhere in the meantime. And it’s very easy to lose track of something you’re storing for possibly decades. But what happens when you have to dig out that policy and can’t find it anywhere? You may need a replacement. But how do you get one?
You may try to contact the policy issuer or the agent that sold you the lost policy. If you can’t find it and they don’t have the original on hand, you may be required to obtain a replacement policy. And in that case, you’ll likely be required to purchase a lost instrument bond as a condition of obtain a duplicate instrument to guarantee that the owner of the lost document will indemnify the bank or other entity for any loss it suffers because of the duplicate securities or other instrument it issued. Learn more about lost life insurance policies.
Where can you instantly purchase a lost instrument bond?
Colonial Surety offers the direct and digital way to obtain a lost instrument surety bond. We are the insurance company — which means no agent, no broker, and no middleman. We make it easy to obtain your bond instantly. The steps are simple — get a quote online, fill out your information, answer our underwriting questions, upload the necessary affidavit and underwriting documents, and enter your payment method. Print your bond from your home or office. It’s that simple!