For example, contractors frequently need a 10,000 Surety Bond. As a direct, nation-wide bond writer, Colonial makes it easy and speedy to obtain 10,000 Surety Bonds in every state.
10,000 Surety Bonds Explained
A 10,000 Surety Bond is a legally binding contract involving three parties: the obligee (the state entity requiring the bond); the principal (the person needing the bond); and the surety company that issues the bond.
Essentially, when you secure a 10,000 Surety Bond, you are guaranteeing that you will abide by all of the regulations applicable to your work in your state, including following through on your obligations. Failure to do so can result in a claim against the bond.
It is critical for a 10,000 Surety Bond to be written to the specific requirements of the state entity requiring it (aka obligee). As a direct writer of 10,000 Surety Bonds, Colonial meets the particular requirements of states across the country.
There’s no need to get stuck in the middle when you are required to obtain a 10,000 Surety Bond: get it directly, in minutes right now.
Important To Know: Surety Bond Renewal?
When states require 10,000 Surety Bonds, renewing them is not a choice—it’s an obligation. That’s why it’s important to adhere to bond renewal dates. The consequences of failing to maintain a current bond include lapse of compliance with state law and licensure, gaps in coverage for claims made against the bond and the delays and fees associated with beginning all over again with a new bond.
Conveniently, at Colonial Surety, 10,000 Surety Bonds can be efficiently renewed, even before the term ends.
Our user friendly online license bond service makes it quick and easy to obtain 10,000 Surety Bonds—and thousands of other license and permit bonds frequently needed by contractors and other professionals—and our knowledgeable customer service team is at the ready too.